Art Experiences


What is an art experience?

An art experience is a group collaborative art project. Individuals work on one art piece as a team and their contribution becomes part of a larger art installation. The idea is that each person adds a little to a bigger picture.

Where do collaborative art projects belong?

Any place where a group of people want to build confidence as a team and come together in a creative way. Designing art together builds peer group friendships as well as confidence for each individual within that group. Participating in a project where you are part of the “bigger picture” while building something beautiful creates connection and ownership over a space.

Schools-Group Homes-Faculty Teams-Company Staff-Community

FREE Printable Collaborative Wall Mural

Each person designs their own page and each page comes together to make a beautiful piece of art! 30 pages total.

A collaborative art experience has the potential to engage and transform your school/workplace and its members. At a time when electronic communication is increasingly dominant and human, person-to-person contact is becoming less accessible, my framework focuses on in-person involvement and/or face-to-face interactions between people to create a sense of belonging.

I facilitate workshops for groups that want to create art together!